Accelerating for Entreprenurship
Uni Accelerator Camp combines the development needs of entrepreneurial projects with the demand of industrial transformation and upgrading, and provides a full range of accelerated services for high-quality projects, such as seed fund investment, industrial resource empowerment, intensive innovation course guidance, entrepreneurial tutor support, etc
Jingdata lightning-fast financing empowers entrepreneurs to start efficient fundraising. As a leading one-stop financial technology service platform, Jingdata offers a variety of fintech services ranging from digitization to solutions for large enterprises, startups, early-stage companies, financial institutions, and other economic entities.
Tech Services
Starting from technological innovation and scientific and technological services, we provide services such as technology transfer and certification consulting to help entrepreneurs establish industry barriers...
Precision Cross-border Services
Cross-border Service is committed to helping overseas projects go to China, providing one-stop accelerated services for start-ups; at the same time, helping domestic projects go overseas. It aims to achieve the three-step strategy of "going out", "going in" and "going up" for domestic enterprises...

Global Partners

Ecological Resources around the World